
Welcome to A One Man Army, where passion, drive, and ambition come together to create a winning team. As the CEO, Gil “Baelakor” Lieveld leads the charge towards our ultimate mission: to conquer the world and become the absolute number one Esports team on the planet.

At A One Man Army, we’re more than just a team – we’re a community of gamers who are dedicated to pushing the limits of what’s possible in the Esports world. Whether we’re competing in high-stakes tournaments or collaborating on new strategies, our shared passion for gaming is what drives us forward.

Our team is made up of some of the most talented and committed gamers from around the globe, all united in our quest for Esports dominance. With a relentless drive to improve, we constantly push ourselves to be the best we can be – and to achieve greatness on behalf of our fans.

We’re ready to take on the world – and to win.


Wessel Antonissen


Christoph Steib


Gurjot Singh


Felix Grohs


Kai van Bochoven




Nick Karimoen



[head coach]

Fabian Biefel





Elite Series:
League of Legends

Learn more

Benelux League of Legends is coming back together as one: the spot the Belgian League and Dutch League held within Riot’s European Regional Leagues over the past two years is now being filled by the Elite Series: League of Legends competition.

The competition stays true to the familiar structure of a Spring Split and a Summer Split with €10,000 up for grabs per Split. Each Split is played as a Double Round Robin between all 8 teams, culminating in a King-of-the-Hill style Playoff between the top four teams of the Split. The best two teams will go on to represent the Benelux in the EU Masters.

Teams will face off twice a week, every Monday and Wednesday starting at 19:00. The Spring Split has concluded already and the Summer Split will start on Monday 6 June!

After the Summer Split a Promotion-Relegation phase is played where the bottom two teams of the Elite Series face off versus the two best up-and-coming teams from the LoL Benelux Circuit. Always wanted to work yourself up to the Elite Series? Then sign yourself up to the Benelux Circuit here.

Finally the year is wrapped up with a Pro-Am tournament, where we will see multiple teams from the LoL Benelux Circuit and beyond join the fray and compete in a one-off tournament for the final €8,000 prize pool. Do they have what it takes to hold their own against the best of the best that Elite Series has to offer?